team Roster

Pete Winslow

Woodbury, MN
Club Team
Minnesota Shockwave
June 4, 1994
World Cup experience

College: B.A. in Journalism and a music minor from the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire

Occupation: Sports writer and video editor at Valley Access TV

Years Playing: Since 2007

Career Highlights:

Team USA 2011, 2017

World Cup Champion: 2011

2017 World Cup Silver Medal

2019 Premier Cup Championship

2012 Premier Cup Championship


Pete started power soccer in 2007 when he attended an expo held at Courage Center where they were putting on a demonstration. He is an avid sports fan and works as a sports writer and video editor at Valley Access TV. Pete has a BA in Journalism and a music minor from the University of Wisconsin- Eau Claire.  He helps lead the summer Power Soccer Camp in Minnesota. When he’s not playing soccer, he enjoys playing trombone, playing video games and spending time with friends.

“Nothing beats putting on that uniform. Playing at the highest level of competition and representing my country is special, and I'm ready to bring the World Cup home.”


We are a 100% volunteer organization. We rely on corporate and individual contributions for travel expenses and pay for tournament fees. We are a recognized 501(c)3 organization and all gifts are 100% tax deductible. Your donations make a difference!